Senin, 25 Mei 2009

skripsi bab III


This chapter provides a detailed description of research design, data and data sources, data collection, and data analysis processes as follows:

3.1 Research Design
Research design which is used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research uses descriptive because this research wants to explore and describe the words, phrase, expressions and sentences which belong to the genre accordance with the theories. Those consist of types of genre and the organization of conversations used by Hillary Clinton in her interview.
This research also uses qualitative method for it intends to analyze genre used by Hillary Clinton’s interview naturally. It means that the researcher him self spends a lot of times to read the data.

3.2 Data and Data Source
This research focuses on the words, phrases, expressions and sentences which belong to types of genre and the organization of conversations. The data source of this research is the interview texts of Hillary Clinton when she visited Indonesia on 19 February 2009

3.3. Research Instruments
In this research, the proper instrument to obtain and analyze the data is the researcher himself because this research uses qualitative research (Moleong, 2007). Then, the types of genre and the organization of conversation are taken as the data.

3.4. Data Collection
To get the data, the text of Hillary Clinton’s interview when she visited Indonesia on 19 February 2009 is downloaded from the internet as viewed on 13 May 2009. Then, the data are read, selected and underlined.

3.5. Data Analysis
After obtaining the data, the analysis steps are done. First, the words, expressions, phrases and sentences considered genre used by Hillary Clinton’s interview are classified into types of genre (narrative, expository and humor) and the organization of conversation (turn taking and pause, adjacency pairs, opening sequences, conversational routine). Second, those data are discussed, presented, described and analyzed by explaining them deeply related to the reason of using them. And finally the conclusion is made from this discussion.

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